Be a team player. Find your place on our team. Each player is an important link in our chain. This is no place for the “Lone Ranger”.
Live up to the responsibility of being a volunteer. It is a responsibility that requires an allotment of time, energy, love, and adequate preparation.
Be on time and be present. If you find yourself unable to meet an obligation, notify your Director or Asst. Director in advance.
Respect the confidentiality aspects of your assignment and the dignity and privacy of the residents with whom you fellowship.
Show empathy with the residents; don’t show sympathy. Empathy is the ability to relate to another and understand feelings without condescension or over-involvement.
Be optimistic with the residents and the outlook of life in general, but do not encourage any unrealistic goals or attitudes.
Dress appropriately for your visit into the prison. Meet expectations of the facility you are entering.
Ask questions. If you do not understand something, simply ask. Do not harbor doubts or frustrations.
Respect cultural, ethical, and personality differences.
Do not over-identify or become over-involved. Respect boundaries and display professional behavior.
Read the Indiana Women’s Prison Volunteer Reference Guide and complete all requirements set forth to volunteer.
REMEMBER: You are in a controlled environment. The first rule of prison ministry is to follow rules. Security is a necessary part of prison life. You will need to know what can be brought in and out. The items we take in will be on the gate release. NEVER take anything into the prison that is not on the gate release. NEVER let the inmate give you anything to take out with you. It is called TRAFFICKING and it is against the LAW.
P.O. Box 20886
Indianapolis, IN 46220
© 2021 Tiffany Johnson
Phone: (317) 426-9319
Email: wpmindy@gmail.com